IRA owners 70 1/2 or better have the option to transfer up to $105,000 a year to their favorite charity, and they can do it tax-free! These transfers, known as qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) offer eligible older Americans a great way to give to charity before the end of the calendar year. And for those who are at least 73, QCDs count toward the IRA owner’s required minimum distribution (RMD).

QCDs and RMDs make for a convenient way for you to support the mission and vision at Imago Dei Middle School. Each eligible IRA owner can exclude up to $105,000 in QCDs from taxable income. Married couples, if both meet qualifications and have separate IRAs, can donate up to $210,000 combined. QCDs don’t require itemizing deductions.

Generally, IRA distributions are taxable, but QCDs remain tax-free if sent directly to a qualified charity, such as Imago Dei Middle School, by the trustee. To make a QCD for 2024, IRA owners should contact their IRA trustee soon to ensure the transaction completes by year-end.

QCDs must be paid directly from the IRA to an eligible charitable organization like Imago Dei. Most IRA trustees will request the following information to help them make your requested QCD or RMD gift:

Legal name/Payable: Imago Dei Middle School

Mailing Address: PO Box 3056, Tucson AZ 85702

Tax ID number: 86-1155866

Staff contact: Randy Peterson, 520-882-4008,

Please contact Randy if you have any questions about supporting Imago Dei with your QCD or RMD. Additional information is also available on the flier available for download here.